Wednesday, November 29, 2006


O Tempora, O Mores!
About 700 years ago, when the first typing machine was build many Christian organizations opposed to this new "threat" as anyone could publish lies about the very conservative Christians...
This was the first Church's opposition to the new technology. But the first book ever typed from this very first machine was the Original Bible, and everyone was happy.
About 10 years ago, many Christians discouraged their children to use the Internet, as many enemies of the Christianity laid there, waiting to grab a young Christian soul... But this time an e-book of the bible wasn't enough to convince them. They had to go larger. So here is the first Christian Linux OS! : Ubuntu Christian Edition
It is a normal Ubuntu distro enhanced with:
and many more...

God save Linux...

BTW: many more Christian Software can be found here:

God Help us all!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

AGP, dead yet?

In the last days, ATI and Intel manufacture powerfull Graphic Cards for the AGP format. About 2 years ago, a salesman of a very large group of Computer Shops, here in Greece, triedto persuade me that "AGP is DEAD"... Anyways, I would like to say that both of the manufacturers realised their failure. PC-users didn't bite on the bait of PCI-X, it only provided a 10-15% more power (which by the way, it is because tha AGP cards were a little underclocked by the manufacturers).
Anyhow, AGP is not dead, and it will provail with DX10 cards!

Long Live AGP!