Friday, September 22, 2006

What a mess!

Here is a picture of my desk. This is where I spend the most of my day, working on the PC's...
God help me! I realized that it's a mess, but I haven't yet found a way to clean it up! Tuneup Utilities 2006 doesn't do anything! (Neither Post it! won't work Leg)

1 comment:

George 2K8 said...

I's been 4 days since you posted and I've just read it. I guess it's time to start using those RSS Feeds :)

Anyway... OMG you have a problem! I mean... OMG!

I'd suggest some cable wrappers to batch 'em together. Also, you seem to have too long cables. Try packaging the extra length.

You'll know you've done it when your desk looks like this Wiring Rack