Friday, August 11, 2006

Wireless! and Tyrkey

I'm back! just for this post...
I discovered that in 2/3 places I visited the last days all of them had wireless access points (which are all UNPROTECTED). My friend Lego (his blog is placed in my links ) has a psycosis with security, and I now know why. These people had their default router passwords, and by that I could do a very painful damage to their Internet connection.
Anyway I do not intend to do any damage but the thing is that I could do without the owner obviously know anything...
For the second part of this post's title, last night I traveled to Athens with a Train with beds. There were 2 Tyrkish students in the same wagon, so we met and discussed some things. Probably one of the most pleasant trips of my life. We found out that we have a lot more in common than things that separates us.
They were going on a trip to visit all the countries on Mediterranean without booking a single ticket! Good Luck my friends and have a good time...
(Leg is propably gonna block me from his MSN contacts now...)


George 2K8 said...

As a matter of fact Athens is becoming one big hot spot. It's the first large urban area in Greece to develop this effect. In cities abroad, where wireless broadband was a reality five years ago, has become a phenomenon. Home Users are falling for "wireless-freedom" advertisements and get a Wireless Router for their ADSL Internet connection. Although it may be cool to have a laptop, in the living room or in the balcony, online and totally wireless, these people should realise that they are acting as free-Internet beacons.

Accessing their default-password protected router and changing their password or sth is not a wise decision. I mean there's no gain for you. Also, as soon as they find out that you did, fear will grow into them and will either a) unplug the router and never use it again or b) protect it with WEP/WPA (which can be easily cracked of course) and feel safe again. I really can't tell which is worse.

When I'm in Athens I feel a happy man. It's like I'm in a Wireless Metropolitan Network offering free-Internet and area coverage up to a 90%. I just do a site survey, find the closest "node" and enjoy. After all, if they offer me Internet why should I refuse? :P

To take this more seriously... Home-spots (rephrasing "hot-spots") don't pose a true security risk. On the other hand, imagine a well-intentioned employee who buys an Access Point to put in his office so that he can get rid of all those wires around him. The moment he plugs it in (usually using default password and settings) he introduces a huge security hole to the world. SSIDs such as "Tsunami" or "Linksys" are the fear of every network security administrator. A teenager with a laptop and some scripts may cause true mayhem in a corporate network while sipping his coffee across the street.

To sum up, new technologies such as Wireless Networks are here to make our lives a lot easier. We just have to know how to use them in our favor. For more you may check out my blog (I'm in WeirdAL's Links).

About the Turks, if you had talked foreign policy matters with them you would have found out their hostile attitude. It's not their fault. This is what they are taught. Their books and government propaganda have given them a distorted view of history and reality. Their generation will be the Turkish polititians of tomorrow and they will apply that distorted view in a matter that harms the greek national interests. This is my problem. I wouldn't mind talking with these guys on the train but I would mind having them in an outpost 200 feet across the borders.

George 2K8 said...

P.S.: I did a small contact list cleanup today. You're not in it though :P