Tuesday, July 11, 2006

YAAFM... Yeah right, like you are better...

YAAFM: You Are A Freakin' Morron.
You can find these cartoons here
Most of them are not only offensive but also dangerous. E.g. the Muslim episode where calls all Muslims Morrons, and also show many of the "Mohammed Drawings"
Everybody is free to write anything on the Net, but what happens when people are killed because of that?
About 2-3 months ago an Italian Minister wore a t-shirt with one the these so-called "Drawings"
and the next day, 4 people were killed by the rage of the Muslims.
I don't support censorship in any way but I would be happy if some people realised where the limits are. Some people are offended by some things, and I think that the people that made those cartoons would be offended if I say something bad for their country, why do they keep provoking?
Would it be nice if Muslims made fun of Jesus? NO!
So STOP BEING MORRONS you God-Damn pieces of crap in ZipperFish...
Make smart and right critisism, not some cheap and dangerous, ill-tempered comments...
ZipperFish - You are Freakin' MORRONS!

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